Jan Sanders is born on July 30, 1967 in Amsterdam. But soon moved to the east of The Netherlands: Twente. Jan is a versatile turbo-machinery engineer with over 20 years of experience with rotating equipment gained at Siemens, Shell operated BruneiLNG and NAM/GLTPLUS (Asset Groningen). For Siemens Jan was lead engineer at GLTPLUS for the Siemens scope of the twenty NAM Groningen facilities where he oversaw projects, maintenance and reliability of twenty 23MW VSDS driven electrical motors and compressors with active magnetic bearings and all electrical auxiliaries.

Jan graduated in electrical engineering. In his professional career he has worked in the water and food processing industry, where he has been system engineer for electrical and instrumentation and process automation.

At Siemens Jan “rolled” into turbo-machinery starting as system engineer but then moved to customer training. Jan has a 2nd grade teaching degree and has been teaching at a polytechnic school at the start of his career.

Teaching is also what Jan did in Brunei Darussalam where he lived with his family for 4 years and worked at Brunei Liquefied Natural Gas. At Shell BLNG Jan trained local Bruneians to become skilled electricians and looked after the competencies of the electrical engineers.

For most of his jobs Jan has traveled the world and he is full of stories from all around. Traveling is also one of his favorite hobbies even more if he can do this on his motorbike.

As teaching is his passion Jan started the Rotating Equipment Academy. For whom Jan delivers professional training for rotating equipment to operators, engineers and technicians of all disciplines.

We are sure Jan will be able to teach and entertain you.

Jan Sanders