Rotating Equipment Academy’s training courses

Technologies used in the Energy industries are advanced and continuously developing. This results in a need of maintaining and upgrading the knowledge of engineers: “our engineers do need a good understanding of rotating equipment design, maintenance, operation and selection to get the basis for their further development”.

The training courses of the Rotating Equipment Academy are the answer to that need.

The Rotating Equipment Academy believes strongly in the added value of simulation software and interactive case studies. With an interactive compressor simulation program four modules are available:

  • Influences of suction conditions: Influences of suction parameters on the performance curves: head vs volume flow and discharge pressure vs mass flow.
  • Capacity Control: Simulation of capacity control with speed, suction throttle and recycle.
  • Alarms and troubleshooting: Introduction of random alarms and faults during normal running. To be solved and cured by the trainee.
  • Start up and shut down: Compressor train start up and shut down with questionnaire.

During the case” Compressor Selection” a compressor will be selected and designed with calculation sheets. And with the case “Optimal Station Configuration” an optimal compressor driver must be selected. These sessions are highly interactive and will challenge the attendees to think about the what, why, how and when.

Rotating equipment drivers are explored with demo software with 3D pictures, cross section pictures, animations and videos of the main parts and their properties.

Rotating Equipment Academy can provide several training courses with a wide variety of topics and modules, all supporting safe and effective operation and maintenance of rotating equipment. The training courses are designed to instruct personnel in subjects that range from the fundamentals of operation, mechanical design, performance, instrumentation to specific maintenance. The content, level and duration of the training courses can be tailor made to the customer’s needs and equipment.

Example course schedules, training courses and proposals:

Centrifugal Compressor training course

Rotating Equipment Academy’s three-day training course introduces delegates to centrifugal compressor fundamentals, the principles of operation, design, performance, selection and basic maintenance.
All courses based on the barrel type centrifugal compressor However, sidesteps to different designs can be made were applicable and necessary. This course has 2 sessions with interactive compressor simulation software and 1 case session.

The delegates will review a rotating compressor package in detail. This provides in-depth coverage of all existing support systems such as lube oil, seal oil and dry gas seal systems as well as the instrumentation systems required to keep these units in efficient operation.

The target group are engineers in the Energy Industry business whose job have affinity with compressors but have little experience with compressor design, operation and selection.

View the centrifugal compressor training course schedule.

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Rotating Equipment Training Proposal (example)

The centrifugal compressor (and pump) training course provides the trainee with a good understanding of compressors and pumps. The trainee will be instructed on the selection, types, basic design of the equipment, the auxiliaries, service, maintenance, operation, performance and control.

The delegates will review a rotating package with coverage of all existing support systems such as lube oil, seal oil and dry gas seal systems as well as the instrumentation systems required to keep these units in efficient operation.

This proposal Rotating Equipment Academy will offer four training courses for … … Company in ….
1. Centrifugal Compressor (and pump) for front-end/concept engineers.
2. Centrifugal Compressor (and pump) for asset service engineers and maintenance support engineers.
3. Centrifugal Compressor (and pump) for operators.
4. Basic drivers training for rotating equipment.

The structure of the course for the different target groups are alike, as the course lay-out has proven to be the right order of topics for the best possible learning efficiency. However, the highlight for each group will be different:

Front-end/concept engineers will focus on compressor and pump application, compressor and pump types and compressor and pump selection. Also, they will spend time on a compressor selection case and find a matching driver in a second case.

Upon completion of the front-end and concept training course, the trainee will be able to:
• demonstrate an understanding of principles of the equipment
• identify the main support systems and describe their function and operational characteristics
• identify and locate the components of the equipment
• describe the operation and design of the equipment and the associated support systems
• understand compressor and pump applications and types
• demonstrate compressor and driver selection

View the training course schedule.

Asset service engineers and maintenance support engineers will focus in more detail on the different machine components and their function. Fault scenarios, fault finding and maintenance will be discussed. During the simulation they will use the troubleshoot simulation where alarms are introduced randomly in the compressor simulation software.

Upon completion of the maintenance training course, the trainee will be able to:
• demonstrate an understanding of principles of the equipment
• identify and describe the main support systems and describe their function and operational characteristics
• identify, describe and locate the components of the equipment
• understand the operation and construction of the equipment and the associated support systems
• demonstrate basic troubleshooting
• give fault and diagnostic indications and describe how to response on it
• demonstrate familiarity with the standard maintenance and trouble shoot procedures

View the training course schedule.

Operators will focus on P&ID, performance including surge, capacity control and surge control. With the simulation software they will learn how to start a rotating equipment package and interactively find out how the input parameters (suction pressure, suction temperature and molecular weight) will influence compressor performance.

Upon completion of the operation training course, the trainee will be able to:
• demonstrate an understanding of principles of the equipment
• identify the main support systems and describe their function and operational characteristics
• demonstrate an understanding of the principles of operation
• describe the operation and design of the equipment and the associated support systems
• demonstrate an understanding of safe and proper operating procedures
• demonstrate basic troubleshooting
• understand fault and diagnostic indications and describe how to response on it

View the training course schedule.

The basic drivers training course provides the trainee with an understanding of drivers used for rotating equipment. The course covers fundamental working principles, basic design and types.

The drivers are explored with demo software with 3D pictures, cross section pictures, animations and videos of the main parts and their properties.

Upon completion of the basic drivers training course, the trainee will be able to:
• understand the fundamentals of the drivers
• understand driver types, differences and similarities.
• identify and locate the components of the drivers
• identify the main support systems and describe their function

View the training course schedule.

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Available Training Topics for customised training courses

Rotating Equipment Academy can customize training courses: topics, level and the duration can be specified by the customer in consultation with Rotating Equipment Academy. Please view the list with available topics with the button below. If the requested topic is not in the list, please contact Rotating Equipment Academy to discuss the possibilities.

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